Parish Newsletter

The Parish Newsletter is reproduced for email distribution and for the website here on the link, in a compressed format for technical reasons and will not print adequately on home printers because of the compression.

If you need a printed greyscale copy, rather than the colour digital copy via the website or sent out by email, please take one, from the back of the church.  A limited number are provided in hard copy.

Please consider the environment, and our “Care for Creation” responsibilities, before printing information received digitally.












Forms you can download and use

Standing Order form: thank you for your generous contributions to our parish.

It would be a great help if as many parishioners as possible transferred to making donations via standing orders, especially during this time when our church is not always open for Mass. Please let us have a copy of your Standing Order for our records. Thank you.

Please click on the button to download the form
Gift Aid form: please help us to support our parish by signing up for gift aid.

Because the diocese is a charity, we can reclaim 25% of tax, direct from the government, on all donations for which we have signed gift aid forms.

Your generous support could be worth 25% more if you sign a gift aid form.

Please click on the button below to download a gift aid form or email the gift aid officer: [email protected]
We take data protection and your privacy very seriously and follow diocesan guidelines and policies. These can be found on the diocesan website: